TThe extraordinary workings of the Holy Spirit were already evident in Bishop Jacob Manathodath when he was installed as the bishop of Palghat in 1996. Like his other undertakings in the diocese, the decision to begin Sehion Retreat Centre (1997) was one which revealed the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit in the life of Bishop Jacob Manathodath. Following this decision, countless people came to repentance and to the path of eternal life through Sehion Ministries . But above all, the divine intervention and providence of God was revealed through Bishop Jacob Manathodath in founding ASJM (2014) and PDM (2018). Rev. Fr Xavier Khan Vattayil PDM, Rev. Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal PDM and Rev Mother Amy Emmanuel ASJM experienced a profound sense of God’s love, the pain for perishing souls, ardent zeal for the renewal of the Church, thirst for the sanctification of priests, the grace of proclaiming the Word of God, a deep conviction regarding the importance of intercessory prayers and use of the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit, while being with Bishop Mar Jacob Manathodath. His Grace, who spends vast amounts of time before the tabernacle, also took great care in leading a very modest interior life. The Lord was laying the foundations of deep prayer and simple living in His Grace, which is the way of life for the monastic calling of PDM which was to be formed under his guidance.
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