
Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal PDM

The Holy Spirit laid the foundations to the interior life of Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal, who is the youngest of the two children of Kuruvila and Mariam of the Karimaruthinkal household. The virtues of selflessness, prayer, fear of God and honesty, which were imparted through his parents were evident in Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal from a young age.  Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal - ordained as a priest in the Palghat Diocese in 2006, filled with a boldness from the Holy Spirit to renounce anything and everything for Jesus, had an aversion to worldly pleasures, an intense love for the Church, a deep grief over the degradation of priests and religious, was filled with the charismatics gifts of the Holy Spirit, received an anointing for the proclamation of the Word of God which touched the hearts of the masses, led a life dictated by the Word of God, fostered a heart which rejoiced in obedience, and found strength in chastity, which wanted to have nothing but desired to solely belong to God, and cultivated a spirit of Poverty – found that his heart was still seeking something more. It became clear to Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal that God was preparing him for a life rich with deep prayer, expiation, meditation of Holy Scriptures, simple living, and hard work, which are the foundations of the vow-bound life of PDM, which was founded on 24th April 2018.
Even while in major seminary, Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal often spoke to his superiors and fellow brothers of the need for changes in seminary curriculum and finding new ways of giving formation to the future generation of priests according to the needs of the time. The Lord was preparing Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal to be a founder of PDM and as a formator for seminarians from a very early stage in his life. The attitude of Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal to not fall prey to laziness but instead work tirelessly for the Kingdom of God and for the salvation of souls through
prayer, penance and expiation became a spiritual patrimony for PDM. From early on in his priestly life, Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal used to conduct retreats for religious nuns, seminarians and later for priests, and even tried to form a new community together with young people, in a way which rekindled his inner calling. All these things were the primary outlooks which worked together for the eventual founding of PDM.

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