
Sr Amy Emmanuel ASJM

It is truly awe-inspiring to know the ways that God led Sr Amy Emmanuel, the eldest daughter of Varghese and Annakutty from Pallikkamury parish (Kothamangalam diocese), for the establishment of PDM and Abhishekagni Sisters of Jesus & Mary (ASJM). Sr Amy Emmanuel, who took her first profession as a CMC nun in 1994, showed from a very young age a special presence of God in her life. Sr Amy Emmanuel, who received a powerful baptism in the Holy Spirit during her higher studies at Vimala College (Thrissur), was being directed by the Spirit of the Lord to a life of religious consecration. Even amidst the opposition of her parents, Sr Amy Emmanuel took the firm decision to walk in the ways of God and to follow in His ways even through all the trials and sufferings she faced.
God was preparing Sr Amy Emmanuel, who had a profound conviction of a life of her vows and deep spirituality, and was filled with an intense desire for the salvation of souls, the renewal of the Church, a self- sacrificial life for the sanctification of priests and religious, an anointing of the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit, a zeal to prepare the world for the second coming of Jesus, a boldness to prepare and commission missionaries, seminarians and religious for world evangelisation, and a desire for the renewal of religious congregations. Even during her formative years, Sr Amy Emmanuel would inform her novice mistress and provincial of the interior calling she felt from the Holy Spirit. Though Sr Amy Emmanuel had informed her superiors of the intense desire in her heart prior to her perpetual profession, it was in 2007 that a favourable resolution was reached. The then-superior general Mother Edward discerned the interior calling which Sr Amy Emmanuel was receiving and decided to send her to Sehion Retreat Centre, Attapadi to spend time in prayer and receive further clarity on the matter.
Compelled by her love for Jesus, Sr Amy Emmanuel felt the need to renounce the comforts and cares of the world and embrace wholeheartedly an intense life of expiation, even in the basic needs concering food, housing, clothing, travels, and other areas of her life. All of these she offered for the conversion of sinners and for strengthening of priests and religious. In this way, the Lord was laying the foundations required for the monastic lifestyle of PDM through which the Lord desires to strengthen the priestly consecrated life. Through her life of continuous night vigils and spending vast amounts of time before the Blessed Sacrament in constant prayer, the Lord was revealing to her the spirit of PDM, which is that of unity of with God and interceding for the world. The graces which abounded in Sr Amy Emmanuel to seek out and find lost souls, and to unite souls through grace-filled preaching, and to bring priests and religious into unity with God using the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit were the primary charisms of PDM.

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