
Welcome to Preachers Of Divine Mercy

The Preachers of Divine Mercy (PDM) was erected by Mar Jacob Manathodath (bishop emeritus of Palghat Diocese), as a clerical pious union on 24th April 2018, jointly founded alongside Fr Xavier Khan Vattayil PDM, Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal PDM and Sr Amy Emmanuel ASJM. The formation of the initial candidates began on 28th April 2018. The first house for the pious union was installed at PDM Hills on the 4th of December 2018, which initiated
the further development of the seminary for the
formation of various batches. The seminary
was blessed on the 15th of October 2020 by
Bishop Jacob Manathodath, along with the
vestition of the first batch of seminarians. At present, we are 71 in number (including candidates), among these, there are 3 solemnly professed priests and 19 temporarily professed members. Those who have done their first profession are pursuing their Major Seminary studies at Vadavathoor Seminary, Kottayam and Mary Matha Seminary, Thrissur. They stay in PDM study houses located near to the seminaries. At present, 9 candidates are doing novitiate in PDM. Besides these, there are 9 candidates to enter postulancy formation, 5 candidates to enter aspirancy formation and 5 candidates to enter pre aspirancy. In addition, 21 candidates doing studies in different universities

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“For the lips of a priest should preserve knowledge and people should seek instruction from his mouth. because he is the messenger of the lord of Hosts”

Malachi 2:7


Mar Jacob Manathodath

The extraordinary workings of the Holy Spirit were already evident in Bishop Jacob Manathodath when he was installed as the bishop of Palghat in 1996. Like his other undertakings in the diocese, the decision to begin Sehion Retreat Centre (1997) was one which revealed the presence and leading of the Holy Spirit in the life of Bishop Jacob Manathodath. Following this decision, countless people came to repentance and the path of eternal life through Sehion Ministries . But above all, the divine intervention and providence of God was revealed through Bishop Jacob Manathodath at the founding of PDM (2018). Fr Xavier Khan Vattayil, Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal and Sr Amy Emmanuel experienced a profound sense of God’s love, the pain of perishing souls, zeal for the renewal of the Church, thirst for the sanctification of priests, the grace of the proclamation of the Word of God, a deep conviction of intercessory prayers and use of the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit, while being with Bishop Jacob Manathodath. Bishop Jacob Manathodath, who spends vast amounts of time before the tabernacle, also took great care in leading a very modest interior life. The Lord was laying the foundations of deep prayer and simple living in Bishop Jacob Manathodath, which is the nature of life for the monastic calling of PDM which was to be formed under his guidance.

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Fr Xavier Khan Vattayil PDM

Fr Xavier Khan Vattayil, the sixth of seven children born to Varghese and Thresia from Pulapetta parish in the diocese of Palghat, was from a young age, never one to find joy in any worldly profits, positions, or pleasures. Instead, he was driven by the deep desire to reject and deny the self and the world to make God his own. Fr Xavier Khan Vattayil during his formative years, when he received grace and an intense passion from the Holy Spirit to take up sufferings for the salvation of souls, used to carry and hand out Bibles, books about saints, and other spiritual publications to households in different parishes to bring back souls to Jesus. Alongside his desire for the salvation of souls, Fr Xavier Khan Vattayil had an epiphany of his calling to a life of penance and atonement, often taking with him seminarians into the forest to pray during his philosophy years. He then approached his formators and the then-bishop of Palghat diocese Mar Joseph Irimpan during his study of theology to share with them his vision and desire. Fr Xavier Khan Vattayil was then ordained as a priest of the Palghat diocese in 1994, receiving the fatherly instruction from his bishop that his desire will be fulfilled once he begins his priestly ministries as a priest. Initially serving as a parish priest, and then as a powerful preacher of the Word, abounding in grace, Fr Xavier Khan Vattayil worked tirelessly and ceaselessly for the salvation of souls. His ministries, which reflected the tangible power of God brought forth much fruit for the Kingdom of God. God used Fr Xavier Khan Vattayil to touch and awaken the people of God through the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. Even at that time, the Holy Spirit of God was compelling and leading Fr Xavier Khan Vattayil into something else, as he was in deep anguish over the damnation and perishing of souls. He then shared these things, at times in writing, with Bishop Mar Jacob Manathodath. God was using all this to prepare Fr Xavier Khan Vattayil for the formation and founding of PDM. When Fr Xavier Khan Vattayil set aside his life to strengthen the Church in adverse circumstances by conducting retreats for priests, creating opportunities for the sanctification of the religious, forming and sending out lay missionaries, forming lay missionary movements, preparing and sending out his brother priests for global evangelisation, and doing powerful missionary works using the media, the Lord was revealing in him the charisms for the upcoming generations of PDM. Through unwavering obedience to his bishop in favourable and in unfavourable circumstances, a life of simplicity and using his talents in a creative manner, and as he worked hard to bring everyone into unity, God was transforming him for the building up of the Church through the founding of PDM.

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Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal PDM

The Holy Spirit laid the foundations to the interior life of Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal, who is the youngest of the two children of Kuruvila and Mariam of the Karimaruthinkal household. The virtues of selflessness, prayer, fear of God and honesty, which were imparted through his parents were evident in Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal from a young age. Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal - ordained as a priest in the Palghat Diocese in 2006, filled with a boldness from the Holy Spirit to renounce anything and everything for Jesus, an aversion to worldly pleasures, love for the Church, grief over the degradation of priests and religious, filled with the charismatics gifts of the Holy Spirit, an anointing of the proclamation of the Word of God which touches the hearts of the masses, a life dictated by the Word of God, a heart which rejoices in obedience, finding strength in chastity, wanting to have nothing but be solely belonging to God, and a spirit of poverty – found that his heart was still seeking something more. It became clear to Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal that God was preparing him for a life rich with deep prayer, expiation, meditation of Holy Scriptures, simple living, and hard work, which is the vow-bound life of PDM, which was founded on 24th April 2018. Even while in major seminary, Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal often spoke to his superiors and fellow brothers of the need for changes in seminary curriculum and finding new ways of giving formation to the future generation of priests according to the needs of the time. The Lord was preparing Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal to be a founder of PDM and as a formator for seminarians from very early on in his life. The attitude of Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal to not fall prey to laziness but instead work tirelessly for the Kingdom of God and for the salvation of souls through prayer, penance and expiation became an inheritance for PDM. From early on in his priestly life, Fr Binoy Karimaruthinkal used to conduct retreats for religious nuns, seminarians and later for priests, and even tried to form a new community together with young people, in a way which rekindled his inner calling. All these things were the primary outlooks which worked together for the eventual founding of PDM.

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Sr Amy Emmanuel ASJM

It is truly awe-inspiring the ways that God led Sr Amy Emmanuel, the eldest daughter of Varghese and Annakutty from Pallikkamury parish (Kothamangalam diocese), for the establishment of PDM and Abhishekagni Sisters of Jesus & Mary (ASJM). Sr Amy Emmanuel, who took her first profession with the CMC sisters in 1994, showed from a very young age a special presence of God in her life. Sr Amy Emmanuel, who received a powerful baptism in the Holy Spirit during her higher studies at Vimala College (Thrissur), was being directed by the Spirit of the Lord to a life of religious consecration. Even amidst the opposition of her parents, Sr Amy Emmanuel took the firm decision to walk in the ways of God and to follow in His ways even through all the trials and sufferings she faced. God was preparing Sr Amy Emmanuel, who had a profound conviction of a life of her vows and deep spirituality, and was filled with an intense desire for the salvation of souls, the renewal of the Church, a self-sacrificial life for the sanctification of priests and religious, an anointing of the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit, a zeal to prepare the world for the second coming of Jesus, a boldness to prepare and commission missionaries, seminarians and religious for global evangelisation, and a desire for the renewal of religious congregations. Even during her formative years, Sr Amy Emmanuel would inform her novice mistress and provincial of the interior calling she felt from the Holy Spirit. Though Sr Amy Emmanuel had informed her superiors of the intense desire in her heart prior to her perpetual profession, it was in 2007 that a favourable resolution was reached. The then-superior general Mother Edward discerned the interior calling which Sr Amy Emmanuel was receiving and decided to send her to Sehion Retreat Centre to spend time in prayer and receive further clarity on the matter. Compelled by her love for Jesus, Sr Amy Emmanuel felt the need to renounce the comforts and cares of the world and embrace wholeheartedly an intense life of expiation, even in the basic needs of food, housing, clothing, travels, and other areas of her life, for the conversion and strengthening of priests and religious. Thereby, the Lord was laying the foundations required for the monastic lifestyle of PDM through which the Lord desires to strengthen priestly consecrated life. Through her life of continuous night vigils and spending vast amounts of time before the Blessed Sacrament in constant prayer, the Lord was revealing to her the spirit of PDM, which is that of unity of with God and interceding for the world. The graces which abounded in Sr Amy Emmanuel to seek out and find lost souls, and to unify souls through grace-filled preaching, and to bring priests and religious into unity with God using the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit were the primary charisms of PDM.